The last time 2 elders came to my place, that was about one year ago, one of them asked me that question very shortly after I had started the conversation about being sensible and rational in our beliefs, he obviously had no time to waste in such hair splitting.
My answer was something like : " It depends, if they say that there is one unique god whose name is Jehovah, or Yaweh, in the Bible, I will think that they conform with the Bible. Now, when the president says that Behemoth and Leviathan are locomotives, I think that he is a fantaisist uttering not only errors but nonsense. That's a very serious matter because, can you cite an example of a nonsensical teaching in the Bible ?" The elder replied that there's no nonsense in the Bible but the WTS is Jah's organization despite occasional nonsense told by its leaders because you see, they are just humans. Hopeless.
They never came again and I'm not DFed, they don't seem to bother in the least, so far.